Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Oldest Story; Update

We finished almost all of our filming last Sunday.  We got alot of montagy shots at a park, but we still have to film the part with the Bureaucrat typing up the story on a typewriter, which will bring the whole movie together.  Connor is editing at home and uploading what he has so far to youtube.  We watched in class and we gave him some suggestions.

There were a couple of shots what crossed the 180 line (if that's what it's called), where to camera jumps form the left of someone to their right which is really disorienting for the viewer.  He also has to cut down and integrate the montage into the dialogue and we discussed how he should do that.

Since this project first started we've been gathering music, and we have a googledoc with about a thousand songs, so this week we'll start going through it and see what really works with the movie.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Oldest Story; Production Update

We filmed the bulk of our movie last Saturday at an old train station in Silver Spring.  We had two actors, Allie and the Bureaucrat.  Most of the filming took place on or right next to the bench on the left.  At one point a train was going by for a good five or six minutes, and we were able to get some good shots of the train what we may be able to integrate in to our movie.

During production I helped read the story board and shot list and helped decide how things should be shot.  Since we were using actors outside of our group and outside of Blair, I was really able to see how important it is to manage our time.  We had to go 30 minutes past when we were planing on being done while wasn't that big of a deal, but that meant that we did have to keep the actors there longer than expected.

 For our movie poster I want to incorporate something to do with time, since it's called "The Oldest Story."  We got this from one of the shots of the Bureaucrat's watch.  This is only a rough draft, but I like the idea behind it.