Sunday, October 28, 2012

Change Project Bake Sale

     Last week my project had a bake sale during the cap open house.  Since another group was also having a bake sale I really didn't think we we're going to be very successful, but we were.  We started out making everything  $1, but after some people commented that the baked good were all different sizes but all cost a dollar, we made the smaller cookies 2 for a dollar.
     The pricing or kind of tricky because you don't want to be ripping off the customer, but also want to make money.  Next you don't want to change the prizes during the bake sale, because that would anger customers, and you'll seem indecisive.  Although I tried to prepare for running out of change, but we still did.  If we were only off by a dollar,  some people would say thats alright and they could just take another item.  But for others we would have to come up with the change.
     We're thinking of doing another bake sale in front of the election poles, but a lot of PTAs fundraise there too, and since it would be last minute, we may not.  We made $185, and overall it was a successful bake sale.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ellen Degeneres; and why she's a comic genius

     It's hard to describe why Ellen is so funny.  Maybe it's because she seems like a real person, someone you could just go up to on the street and talk too, or because she is just a really good public speaker.  She is both of those, but after watching one of her old stand ups, I realized its also because that she is able to weave social commentary into a very well planed out sketch, while making it hilarious, and almost like she's just making it up on the spot.

 Somewhere in the middle of her performance "The Beginning", she was talking about how awkward it is when someone is talking to you and you realized you've drifted off and weren't really listening, and they've finished talking and expecting you to say something-

"Do what I do if I can help you out I'm pleased to do it, because I know its an awkward situation for all of us.  I always say something about Gloria Estefan.  I'm telling you it works if you commit to it she can work into any conversation.  They could be like
'What's that got to do with copper pluming?' and you're like
'Well Gloria Estefan is the copper pluming of the music industry is all, I mean she's beautiful, durable, reliable, indestructible, look how she came back after that bus accident, are you going to debate me on this?'"        

     By itself I found that pretty funny, but it wasn't until the very end, after many other jokes and stories, when she was describing her talk with god, who she casually describes as a 47 year old beautiful black women, (only another reason why I love Ellen) that I realized she's a comic genius.

"'I have to say God I'm sorry, I am so sorry that we're killing all of the animals, I'm so sorry that we are chopping down all the trees, I am sorry that we're filled with hate and not love, I'm sorry that we call each other names and judge each other, I'm sorry that we go to war and kill each other, I'm sorry'
And she was silent for a few seconds and then she looked at me and she said
'Have you seen Gloria Estefan's hair lately?'"        

Her show it split into seven sections on Youtube, and I didn't want to put all seven, and as I described  before the joke I was talking about in split between sections, so even though the show isn't in full swing until later, I decided to just put section one.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ball Park People Watching

     The ball park is such an interesting place.  Don't get me wrong I love watching the game, but after I've finished my four dollar ice cream, watched Teddy lose for the five thousandth time I start to get a little bored.  There's no one on base, the hitter has fouled for the kajilianth time, and the pitcher is taking about 5 hours to prepare between pitches, so I start to just watching people.

      We all know theres that one guy that's always yelling and cursing at the players, but there're other types of Baseball spectators.  There's that 7 year old who has her pink softball glove desperately hoping to catch a foul ball although she's sitting higher up than any balls ever come.  There's someone using antique binoculars to watch, nope not the game, the dugout and commenting on who's looking a little tired, that Strasburg's beard is looking a little scraggly (which is probably was) or how cool it would be to be the security guard in the dugout with the players.

    I've also spend some of my time paying attention to the songs they play when a new hitter or pitcher comes in.  LaRoche for example is a fan of country music.  I've also been trying to figure out if a player gets the same song played for them every time they come up to bat.

    Then Harper catches a popup and throws it to second base making a double play, snapping me out of my day dreams just in time for the "Take me out to the ball game"