Friday, October 12, 2012

Ball Park People Watching

     The ball park is such an interesting place.  Don't get me wrong I love watching the game, but after I've finished my four dollar ice cream, watched Teddy lose for the five thousandth time I start to get a little bored.  There's no one on base, the hitter has fouled for the kajilianth time, and the pitcher is taking about 5 hours to prepare between pitches, so I start to just watching people.

      We all know theres that one guy that's always yelling and cursing at the players, but there're other types of Baseball spectators.  There's that 7 year old who has her pink softball glove desperately hoping to catch a foul ball although she's sitting higher up than any balls ever come.  There's someone using antique binoculars to watch, nope not the game, the dugout and commenting on who's looking a little tired, that Strasburg's beard is looking a little scraggly (which is probably was) or how cool it would be to be the security guard in the dugout with the players.

    I've also spend some of my time paying attention to the songs they play when a new hitter or pitcher comes in.  LaRoche for example is a fan of country music.  I've also been trying to figure out if a player gets the same song played for them every time they come up to bat.

    Then Harper catches a popup and throws it to second base making a double play, snapping me out of my day dreams just in time for the "Take me out to the ball game"


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