Sunday, October 28, 2012

Change Project Bake Sale

     Last week my project had a bake sale during the cap open house.  Since another group was also having a bake sale I really didn't think we we're going to be very successful, but we were.  We started out making everything  $1, but after some people commented that the baked good were all different sizes but all cost a dollar, we made the smaller cookies 2 for a dollar.
     The pricing or kind of tricky because you don't want to be ripping off the customer, but also want to make money.  Next you don't want to change the prizes during the bake sale, because that would anger customers, and you'll seem indecisive.  Although I tried to prepare for running out of change, but we still did.  If we were only off by a dollar,  some people would say thats alright and they could just take another item.  But for others we would have to come up with the change.
     We're thinking of doing another bake sale in front of the election poles, but a lot of PTAs fundraise there too, and since it would be last minute, we may not.  We made $185, and overall it was a successful bake sale.  

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