Sunday, November 11, 2012

Capture the Fall

I uploaded two video for my meaning of fall project which are exactly the same, expect for the music.  one with the song "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone", and another with a song I found on  I'm not going to go into what I think about having to use creative commons music (although I may later) because that's a whole different story.    

This week I learned how to do the cup thing that goes with "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone," among other songs.  I really have no idea how to explain it so I posted a video.

Once I learned how to do it I couldn't stop, its unbelievably addicting. There are also other tricks I've learned, like doing rounds, or passing the cup around.  And I've been singing this song all week.

Capture the Fall with "You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone"

Anyways I think this one is much better.  Admittedly I may have been editing this one around the song, rather than just editing it and then putting in the song, but that's how it should be done.  If you watch this one first, I think the second one will be very disappointing.  The thing is I don't really mind using websites like free or, but once I watched it with this song, it just fit, I just wouldn't see using anything else.      

{Real Capture the Fall with all Creative Commons}

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