Sunday, November 25, 2012

Odd Thanksgivings

     We usually spend thanksgiving with my moms side of the family just because they're closer, and they're less of them so it's easier.  Anyways we don't really have traditional Thanksgiving dinners.  I can't really remember them all in the right order so I'll just talk about some of the ones I remember.
     Once we had a vegan Thanksgiving, although no one in my family in vegan or vegetarian.  And another time we had BLTs, that was definitely one of the weirder ones.  I did have a traditional Thanksgiving a few years ago with my dad's side of the family.

I've realized there isn't much of a point to this blog post, well I guess since I'm spending Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family I'm wonder ing what we'll be having.  Also I guess I like the untraditional thanksgivings better, well as long as they have the basics,
Mashed Potatoes 
Cranberry Sauce
Ok, so maybe I'm just a little hungry.

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