Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Blog First Blog Post

Hi!  I'm Esther a sophomore in the Communication Arts Program (CAP) at Montgomery Blair High School.  Creating this blog is part of my CAP Writing News class.
 I like peach yogurt and mint chocolate chip ice cream.  I've been playing the piano for most of my life. I've recently been getting into a variety of water sports such as kayaking, rowing, paddle boarding and a little skim boarding.  I row of the Blair Crew team, which takes up most of my time.
I was in a film class in 6th and 7th grade.  Although I'm still not very tech savvy, I'm probably most interested in editing clips and putting movies together.  Outside of school a friend and I have put together or at least started many films.  My all time favorite being our Murder Mystery.  It started out being very well put together, with nice shots and a somewhat understandable plot.  It started going downhill after a while, for example we filmed part of it during spring break and another during the winter, so we said that we had traveled from Iceland to Greenland.
I'm not quite sure how we will use these blogs this year.  I guess we would use them to talk about and share what we created in class.


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